Professor Carol Birch with guest presenters/storytellers Jeanne Donato and Tom Callinan, CT State Troubadour, 1991-1992
Catalog Description
An examination of the history and art of storytelling. Existing and innovative approaches to storytelling are addresses.
Learning Goals/Outcomes
Per Dr. Gwendolyn Nowlan’s syllabus, this course examines the art of storytelling and explores the range of theoretical and practical methods and adaptation of storytelling techniques.
Learning Goals/Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, participants should be able to:
- Read assigned books.
- Attend and participate
- Select a story to work on and deliver in one’s own way.
- Select, prepare, and deliver stories for specialized audiences.
- Select five stories from book and write a summary for each.
- Maintain a personal reflective journal to be turned in with all final assignments.
Highlights/Samples of Course Work: A definite people-skills building course! It examined the various methods storytellers use to refine their presentations. The storytelling summaries encouraged self-interpretation skills while the role-play and peer-mentoring that occurred during class time polished my public speaking skills. My storytelling journal acted as a reflection of what I learned throughout the course.